What is Machine Learning ?
Machine Learning is a new trending field these days and is an application of artificial intelligence. It uses certain st …
Top IT Training Trends to Watch Out For in 2017
At myTectra we have been continuously monitoring the Information Technologies (IT) courses trends year on year.Personall …
7 Reasons you should learn Python now
Python is a favorite among many developers for its strong emphasis on readability and efficiency, especially when compar …
Technology Trends That Will Dominate 2019: Big Data, IoT, AWS and AI
Technology has remarkably changed the way we live today, there is no denial to it. Compared with our ancestors, we stand …
What is the Best way to learn Python
What is the best way to learn Python? This is the question many people ask me when they meet us to discuss on Python cou …
Will Python Replace Java?
According to the IT programming trend, Java is currently more popular than other programming languages in terms of numbe …
10 Reasons Why Python Beats PHP for Web Development
Python has been watch a steep upward trend in the last two years. In backend development, PHP and Python web development …